General Civil Litigation

The process of General Civil Litigation is a long, confusing and frustrating journey without legal representation from an experienced Civil Litigation Lawyer. Attorney Kent W. Underwood is a Tacoma, WA, lawyer with a long record of winning civil litigation cases in court and reaching impressive pre-trial settlement agreements for his clients. He understands each progressive step to take in the process to achieve justice for clients who believe they have legitimate complaints against another person or entity.

Attorney Kent W. Underwood

To speed up the litigation process and boost your opportunity to win justice in non-criminal cases, begin at the Law Office of Kent W. Underwood. Pursuing litigation is a maze of options. From your initial complaint, there are many steps to take before you even get close to a courtroom. Having an experienced and dedicated attorney on your side is the best step to take; turn everything over to his capable hands and relax.

Tacoma Civil Litigation Lawyer

With our Tacoma Civil Litigation Lawyer, you get excellent legal services that are affordable and fine-tuned to your personalized needs. Our approach to legal services places priority on getting the best possible result for each client. Attorney Underwood has handled many general civil litigation cases, in addition to providing legal representation to clients for Personal Injury and Criminal Law cases.

The Litigation Process

Litigation is the general term for the process of settling a claim through the court system. Not all cases wind up in a courtroom. Disputing parties try to settle matters through negotiation, mediation or arbitration first. This is time and cost-saving, and often offers the best outcome. Parties being sued settle out of court, because they may face very stiff penalties and fines from a jury decision in court. People making claims also settle early, because it is time and cost-effective. With an experienced litigator presenting your case, you are far more likely to get maximum compensation from a win than if you try to self-represent.

The process of litigation is long and drawn-out. First, a complaint must be filed properly during a discovery process. This takes a few weeks or even years, and involves many people along the way, such as court reporters. Next, there is a settlement conference to see if agreement can be reached to avoid going to court. If no agreement is reached, your case heads to a judge and/or jury trial. There are also options to ask for dismissal of a verdict, or make an appeal. Appeals can be made to a higher court, all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court, before a decision is finalized. Finally, the winning side must try to collect damages or other relief before a case is closed.

For Litigation, you are best served by an attorney who has extensive experience providing this legal service. Contact the Law Office of Kent W. Underwood to discuss your legal concerns today. Call now, at (253) 627-2600.