Criminal Defense

Criminal charges have the potential to destroy an otherwise bright and promising future, particularly if the individual charged with a given crime lacks decent legal representation. Fortunately, a lack of quality representation is never a problem for the clients of attorney Kent W. Underwood. This Tacoma criminal defense lawyer possesses the communication skills and legal knowledge necessary for success both in and out of court. He demonstrates a clear sense of respect for all clients, ensuring that, no matter the nature of the criminal charges, accused individuals finally feel that they have the opportunity to have their voices heard.

Attorney Kent W. Underwood’s Practice Areas

Although he also provides legal representation for personal injury clients, Kent W. Underwood is particularly passionate about criminal defense. He has worked with a wide array of accused individuals in the past, with many of his cases involving driving under the influence of alcohol, medical marijuana manufacture and a variety of other cases involving alcohol and drugs. The criminal defense attorney also expresses interest in cases related to theft, robbery, white collar crime, forgery, police misconduct and violent crimes. All clients, regardless of their specific criminal charges, can depend upon Kent W. Underwood for thorough legal representation.

The Importance Of A Passionate Tacoma Criminal Defense Lawyer

Attorney Kent W. Underwood is a talented and hardworking legal advocate, but his true strength lies in his passion for justice. The Tacoma criminal defense lawyer understands that it is common for those accused of committing crimes to be slapped with harsh penalties they don’t deserve, simply because they were presumed guilty before being proven innocent, instead of the other way around. Kent W. Underwood, however, believes that there are at least two sides to every story, and as such, he strives to provide all those accused of crimes of the high-quality legal representation to which they are entitled.

In addition to demonstrating his passion for upholding the rights of the criminally accused in everyday court cases, Kent W. Underwood shows that he cares through his many outside projects. The criminal defense attorney has conducted extensive research and submitted targeted recommendations to the Washington State Bar Association. He also serves as the co-chair of the rules committee for the Washington Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.

Whether clients choose to plead innocent, guilty, or no contest, Kent W.Underwood works hard to ensure that their cases are resolved in a satisfactory manner. His passion and commitment are commendable — and they are responsible for his continued success in a variety of legal cases.